Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Of course I'll be back to describe any stress-related symptoms that show up

Contrary to popular belief I do not like to use this as a forum for my bitching. However, I do have to say a few words to express the relief I feel now that today is over. The past week has been one big blur of unhappiness that hopefully culminated today at 12:30 when my group turned in the WORST ENGLISH ASSIGNMENT EVER. It's not worth discussing unless you're taking that class with me. Let me just say that the course title is Report and Proposal Writing, which is bad enough in and of itself, right? Oh, I'm done dwelling on that.

But hey, we could talk about that Italian exam I took first thing this morning!

Okay, enough.

I guess I just need a little break from writing, because 1.) I have not had anything to really write about for almost a week, 2.) I do not foresee any good sources for stories in the near future, and 3.) oh look, it's getting to be around that lovely time of the year when I get all stressed and sickly. Inevitably, I will find something really great to write about now that I've said this, but maybe that's the muse I need to find some material.

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