Friday, November 04, 2005

How sweet it is to be loved by (all of) you

When my mom called me on Monday to tell me that my grandpa had died, I was sitting in my apartment alone watching soap operas. I didn't tell anyone until I left later that day, and for the rest of the week I didn't go around announcing it. It was one of those things that causes people to get that "by asking why Loren's going home I just made things really awkward" look on their faces, and I don't enjoy that. Eventually, though, I needed to talk about it. I needed to be mad about it, and hurt, and sad. I needed people to let me take it out on them and accept my apology later, and I needed people to just let me hang out and have fun with them so I didn't have to think about how much I wanted to be home instead of waiting around for an Italian quiz Thursday morning.

And then there were my friends from home, who called and emailed and came to see me at calling hours and the funeral. I was so worried that because we're all grown up and on our own, no one would be there like they were when I was going through the same thing in high school, but I was touched to see that I was very wrong.

And even though the past week has been a difficult one, I have to say that I am not only thankful for what an amazing grandpa I was fortunate enough to have, I am also thankful for the people around me. I was blessed with a warm, fun-loving and supportive family, and I thank God everyday for them. But the people who I have chosen to surround myself with (and the people who have chosen to put up with me) have been more wonderful to me than I could have possibly hoped for.

So thank you. Thank you for being my support when I couldn't be with my family, or for being my support when I was with them, or for simply letting me know that you care. I hope that I can be the kind of friend to you that all of you are to me.

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