Sunday, December 02, 2012

What's making me happy this week, XLVIII

Christmastime is upon us, and I am happy to report that I'm enjoying it now that November is over. Here are all the nice things I did to celebrate this week:

- I bought Love Actually and Annie after Thanksgiving, and on Friday I made Adam watch both with me while curled up on the couch drinking hot cider. I hadn't seen either in ages, and I'd forgotten how much I like Love Actually. (Fun fact: it was the topic of my first post on this blog.) Annie was also enjoyable, but it's hard to be anything but nostalgic for a movie from your childhood.

- I went to Holiday Handmade and for once came home with a gift for someone other than myself. (I'm a terrible Christmas shopper, I get distracted easily.) 

- Despite my good intentions since 2008, we finally made it downtown for the annual Parade of Lights this weekend. The weather was nice, and I just love seeing Denver lit up for the holidays.

Denver Parade of Lights

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