Monday, October 01, 2012

What's making me happy this week, XXXIX

Well, I thought it would be very clever if I could update you from my phone, but all I succeeded in using the iPhone Blogger app for was deleting last week's post about delicious apples and two-ingredient pumpkin cookies. So I guess this post needs to stand in for week XXXVIII as well.

Anyway, Adam and I spend the last two days driving to Ohio (which is why this is a little late). I love road trips with Adam so it went pretty quickly. We listened to all the Beatles albums and played the license plate game, one of my favorites. We brought Francie with us too, and even though she doesn't really enjoy car rides, she was a good sport. Mostly she sat like this, with her paw up on the seat:

Francie's car pose

Occasionally, she popped up to be co-pilot:


She also may or may not have begged endlessly to sit on my lap, and then won several times. I'm not providing photo evidence.

Anyway, it's good to be in Ohio. This week is going to be busy since we're getting ready for the wedding, but I'm hoping it is also going to be a lot of fun.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Awwwwww! She's so cute.

Have a good week!