I should also mention that we booked ourselves a hotel room with an amazing view of the Falls:

We spent the rest of the week driving back to Colorado and unpacking the car. That thing people say- "We'll think of you every time we use the [gift you gave us]!" - so far it seems true, and I am feeling desperately homesick for all the family and friends we spent time with during our trip. I guess that's probably a post for another day.
Anyway, I'm so glad we had a fantastic honeymoon and we're finally back home. We'd been gone for so long that on our first night home, I woke up in the middle of the night and had no idea where I was. We had such a great wedding trip, but I'm ready to return to my boring day-to-day life.
I don't know if I'm one of the people you're missing, but what's colorado like in December? I have a break then! Or should I wait for spring break?
because I will die of the cold.
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