The end of the quarter is upon me (well, on Thursday), and as a little gift to myself for surviving 27 graduate-level credit hours, I splurged on some books. I haven't done any leisure reading since last summer, and to be perfectly honest I can't even remember what it was I read. If anyone at DU finds out about this, I may very well be kicked out of library school.
So, here is my summer reading list. I'm going wild this year, abandoning the 20th Century masters and just reading whatever I want.
Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace. Oh, I know. This may be the only thing I'm able to get through this summer. Yikes it's long. I started it a few years ago but had to return it to the library and never checked it back out.
Consider the Lobster & Other Essays by David Foster Wallace. This is just in case I get tired of Infinite Jest, so I'll at least be able to say I finished something of DFW's over the summer.
Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman. I'm not much of a fan of poetry, but I read the title poem somewhere recently and thought, maybe I could do this.
I Was Told There'd Be Cake by Sloan Crosley. This collection of essays has been in my Amazon Wish List for YEARS - I think I heard an interview with the author in a podcast during college. So I thought, why not.
Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamott. I heard Lamott read one of the stories from this collection in a podcast and I loved it. I can't wait to read the rest.
The Elements of Style by Strunk & White. This isn't so much to read, but I'm excited to own something I've been talking about since my freshman year of college. To be honest I'm not sure how I made it through my English degree without it.
This Book is Overdue!: How Librarians & Cybrarians Can Save Us All by Marilyn Johnson. This is actually a pretty fun-looking, quick read. Plus, I am literally the only person in my graduate department who has not yet read this book.* I have to keep up with the cool kids, you guys.
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