Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A few things on my mind today

1. Last night when Obama gave his acceptance speech, I was distracted by his comment that his daughters would be getting a puppy to take with them to the White House. Awesome! I thought. Those little girls must be SO EXCITED! They are getting a puppy! And you know who ISN'T excited right now? The White House staff. You know they are totally rolling their eyes right now, like, oh PLEASE, Obamas, train that thing before you even THINK about bringing it to this house that we are in charge of keeping presentable. I was having a good little giggle about that, but then I had another thought: if I were eight or ten and moving into that creepy old building, I would be freaking out. This is clearly residual scardey-catness from the October Scary Movie Marathon. But still. I would not be looking forward to it, sleeping in a house that has its own slice of webspace dedicated to the ghosts that haunt it.

2. This morning I had to go to the dentist for a filling. And, you know, whatever, it's not fun at all but it's over pretty quickly. Today we were right in the middle of things and suddenly I had to sneeze. I was terrified that I actually would, and there are few things scarier than the thought of sneezing with a drill in your mouth (it's right behind sleeping in the White House). For a few seconds I thought it would be something that actually happened and not just something to gruesomely picture happening, but I was, thankfully, able to stave it off.

3. I just listened to last week's Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, and Christopher Buckley was the guest celebrity. He said the nicest thing: "It's a scientific fact that everyone from Ohio is nice." I know from experience that this is far from the truth, but it warmed my heart, being a transplanted Ohioan. Speaking of Ohio, this week's episode of How I Met Your Mother centered around Ohioan-turned-New-Yorker Ted's inability to deal with his emotions: "I'm dealing with it Ohio style. Problem showed up, I avoided it, it went away." This is another thing I know isn't always true. But still! Way to represent, Ohio! You are more ubiquitous [relevant?] than I had realized.

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