I got a new crochet how-to book for Easter, and though I left it at home (I have waaaaay too much work to finish in the next three weeks to even think about doing something potentially addictive) I have constantly been daydreaming about the things I am going to make once I am no longer in a committed relationship with homework and group projects.
I have the book I bought over Spring Break, and it is called I Can't Believe I'm Crocheting! Two years ago, I received I Can't Believe I'm Knitting! for Christmas. I do not suggest learning either of these skills through the aid of this series, because in reality, they should be subtitled: I Can't Believe I'm Knitting Because This Book Has Done Nothing But Confuse Me! It was one of those situations, though, where I had forgotten about the bad diagrams and vague instructions, and thought to myself, "I learned how to knit! I'll stay in the series!" only to get home and realize that there's a reason I've only ever made scarves.
So, with the thought of the new book waiting for me at home, I have been promising project after project to my family and friends. Yes, it is cold in here. You know what would help? Yes, yes, turning on the heat would help but also I could crochet you a hat. No, not right now, this summer. Well, I know, but it could help you the next time you're cold. So, what's your favorite color?
In addition to these promises, I've also been exploring Flickr and looking at the ambitious projects others are doing. And people? These projects are amazing. I'd like to think that I have the staying power to do something like this afghan. Or maybe this one. But we'll see if I can make it through just one more scarf before trying for something that would actually be useful.
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