Saturday, May 08, 2004

Home at Last

I am finally home, although there is a lot left to unpack--my computer is the only thing thus far that has found its permanent summer home. We're still in the process of putting together a room for me, but since I'm leaving in the morning I'm not too worried about it.
So here is my moving out/first night home story:
I got about 15 hours of sleep throughout the whole week of finals. Not because I was busy studying or anything, but because my insomnia kicked it into high gear and refused to give me any time to rest and relax. I stayed up all night on Thursday night, maybe falling asleep for about half an hour, and decided that at 5:50 I could get up and get ready for my 7:30 am final. (Cassie, I am so sorry for getting up and waking you up too.) I loaded up my car, went over my notes for a little while, and headed over to take my music history exam. It went pretty well, and I got back a report/debate grade which was a 100%, so I'm looking to have an A in that class. After the final, I headed home to lunch with Chad and a long wait at the state park office to fill out my working papers. I start the day after I get home from Colorado. Fun.
Kurtis came over then, and we unloaded my stuff and hung out till Christina got here. Christina and I took Erin to see 13 Going on 30, which was fun and resulted in many unsuccessful attempts at the Thriller dance. When we got home, Kurtis came over and after while we took Christina to visit Scotty and meet his parents. We had a good time, talking about prom and high school and all that good stuff. Then we came home and after kicking Kurt's butt, I got to fall asleep in my wonderful bed and actually got sleep.
And tomorrow, I'm leaving for Colorado! Life is good.

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