Things I have not yet taken care of in regards to moving into this apartment
"This apartment," of course, being the place I've lived in for nine months.
1. Put up the curtain in the window over my desk. It's there, the thing to hang it on is there, I would just have to take the time to actually put these things together and hang them up.
2. Change the lightbulb in my closet, which burned out while I was hanging my clothes up for the very first time.
3. Learn how to use the timer on the oven.
Things I wrote down to share with you today
1. I do not understand why scooters are called scooters. Think about it: scoot-ers. They do not scoot. It makes no sense.
2. Did you notice that when you misspell something in a Google search that it gives you that little suggestion at the top of your results page? So if you Googled spagheti sauce, the top of the page would say: Did you mean: spaghetti sauce? And then you feel a little bit bad about yourself, because, you know, THANK YOU Google for using the most condescending text styles to tell me how wrong I was about a subject I obviously needed information about in the first place.
3. I really enjoy days that start out cloudy and eventually clear up. It's sort of like the world is feeling just as bad about it being 8am as I am, and sort of begrudgingly agrees to the arrival of daylight by delaying it as much as possible.
Commercials I will change the channel just to avoid
1. The one for something microwaveable where a candelabra and a violinist come out of the microwave. No one talks. NO ONE. It's so creepy and not funny.
2. The claymation dog treats commercial. I will NOT buy "Smackos" ever. EVER. That's a serious anti-advertising campaign.
3. The Jon Lovitz Subway commercial.
You know the commercials I DO miss? The Sally Struthers "earn your GED etc." ones. But I think that's just because it was on so often when I was little, and then I'd get a rush of nostalgia.
Speaking of nostalgia, smells that make me remember being small
1. Palmolive dish soap. Only the green kind, though. I think my grandma must've used it or something, because it smells like being shorter than the kitchen counter.
2. Cut grass. I think about playing in the backyard every single time I smell it.
3. Goober Grape. We used to eat these snack-size cups of it, and they came with a little wooden paddle tongue-depressor-like thing that you were supposed to use to spread it on bread. But we'd just eat it using the paddle as a spoon, and so sometimes when I'm even just eating a normal peanut butter & jelly sandwich, I wish I had a tongue depressor to suck on afterwards. Weird, I know.
Okay, if that's not proof this post is over I don't know what is.
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