This is Brendan and me, in line for Space Mountain early Monday morning:

Don't we look happy! Excited to be there! NORMAL!
Throughout the day, we ran into many, many, MANY strange people: a woman who somehow lost her son in the Space Mountain line, a couple who were so concerned with making out that they disregarded the personal space of those around them, four sorority girls who wore the most ridiculous you'll-be-outside-walking-around-all-day clothing EVER, and a man who could not lower the volume of his voice, among several others.
That's a lot of crazy, people.
And it's a lot of crazy because most of these people we didn't just run into once. Oh no. There were MULTIPLE SIGHTINGS. For example, we were in line ahead of the crowding cuddlers twice. The woman who lost her son found him, and we know this because we saw them two more times after the initial craziness of his disappearance.
So we decided that we'd ride one more ride and then go home, and this is where the craziness just got to be too much for me.

Yes. We went back to Space Mountain, where we'd started our perfectly normal day, and not only were the sorority girls there, but so were the couple (but not directly behind us, THANK GOD).
Oh and also? Someone who went to middle school with Brendan. She was about 5 people ahead of us in line.
And this is when we thought that maybe, probably, MOST LIKELY, we were in some sort of Twilight Zone, so Brendan took a picture to document it. We were so freaked out that the picture is blurry.

And then we were like, sure, yeah, let's do it again tomorrow.
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