Something I have a very hard time with is laughing at inappropriate times. I often find the manner in which a statement is delivered to be the funny part rather than the statement itself. Think about that for a moment and you will see that this happens to be a big problem. Sometimes, after realizing that I've been laughing at someone's story since it started, I feel like I must look stupid sitting there laughing.
I guess I just appreciate a communicator who uses more than just words. As a writer, all I've got is words. I'm a terrible speaker and I have a very hard time expressing my thoughts on the fly. I'm not non-confrontational because I don't get mad or because I'm good at letting things go (ha! haha! hahahahaha!), but because I can't articulate myself well enough to form an argument, I keep quiet.
I can, however, express myself in writing, and I admire well-spoken and well-expressed prose. I can read things and giggle endlessly--which is partly me thinking my own interpretation is pretty clever (come on, we're all a little narcissistic in our own ways), but also the writer succeeding in getting the point across. I admire that and strive to become that kind of writer someday. I'm just not quite there yet, and if I don't get there, that's ok--there's not much room for humor in the technical writing field, however unfortunate that may be.
Yesterday at work it was really quiet, and I was reading something online that made me start giggling, and then I tried to stop but have you ever tried to stop laughing? It's such an ugly sound! Which is funny! And then you remember what you were laughing at in the first place! Which is funny too!
And really it's just a vicious cycle.
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