Friday, August 12, 2005

Links for the Weekend

Because, you know, your foster parents and the reality tv show that built you a dream house DEFINITELY owe you money.

Try out the Wanted Poster Generator from Or, clog someone's inbox with one of those annoying ASCII images (the ones made out of characters/numbers/etc.). You can upload your own pictures for everything.

If you feel like reading some funny commentary on the way people are, here's a new David Sedaris piece from The New Yorker. [via Kottke]

Hey! Apple's finally figuring it out. (Not that I really have anything against Macs, but I mean, right-clicking is a must.)

Unfortunately, you'll never want to eat out again.

They're leaving religion out of The Da Vinci Code. Hopefully, they'll keep in all those stellar cliches Dan Brown likes to use so much. [I shake my head slowly, and look skeptically at the article in front of me]

Love R. Kelly's "opera" (hahahahahaha) but just can't quite keep things straight? Never fear, took the time to make you some Cliff's Notes. Whew. [via BWE]

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